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Nail Centre
- Beau's Lines
- Calluses and corns
- Chloronychia
- Dermatitis
- Dermatophyte and non-dermatophyte fungi
- Diabetes
- Erythronychia
- Habit-tic
- Hangnails
- Hapalonychia
- Heller's Median Nail Dystrophy
- Hyperhidrosis
- Introduction to Nail Conditions
- Koilonychia
- Lamellar Dystrophy
- Leukonychia
- Melanonychia
- Nail biting
- Nail Clubbing
- Nail Grooves / Depressions
- Onychocryptosis
- Onycholysis
- Onychomadesis
- Onychomycosis
- Paronychia
- Psoriasis
- Pterygium
- Splinter haemorrhages
- White Superficial Onychomycosis
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Ask the Experts
- Are glass nail files better?
- Are metal cuticle pushers safe?
- Can I cut the keratinised proximal nail fold?
- Can I use just acetone to cleanse the nail plate before a service?
- Can Nail Polish be Organic?
- Can nail products repair the nail?
- Can the cuticle cover the whole nail?
- Can you explain the downside risks of filing the side walls of the nail plate?
- Do all nail plates grow 1mm a week?
- Do manicures ruin your nails?
- Does filing the sides of the natural nail weaken it?
- Does nail polish or UV gel polish dehydrate the nail?
- Does the direction of nail filing matter?
- Does the nail plate absorb any chemicals found in the products we use?
- Hangnails. What's your advice?
- How do I save a cut nail?
- How do nail polish drying drops and sprays work?
- How does cold weather affect the nails?
- Is calcium good for nails?
- Is calcium good for the natural nail?
- Is cuticle remover a must-have?
- Is my nail polish suitable for me?
- Is nail polish safe to use for repetitive use on clients because it 'can't store pathogens'?
- Nail polish stains on nails
- Prenatal vitamins and nail growth
- Quick-dry Nail Polishes?
- Should You File the Natural Nail Before a Two-Week Coating?
- Some nail products claim to help the nail plate grow stronger. Is this a valid claim?
- What are these thin black lines under the nail?
- What is a dry manicure?
- What is a Japanese manicure?
- What is a wet manicure?
- What is the safest type of manicure?
- What's the best type of manicure to get?
- What's the difference between a French manicure and an American manicure?
- What's the harm with a water soak?
- What's up with the grit of a nail file?
- Which is better? Soap and water or hand sanitiser before a service?
- Which way to brush off the dust?
- Why do nail polish top coats get stringy when applied?
- Why should I use a flexible base?
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- Acid-based or acid-free primers?
- Are gel nail extensions better than acrylic?
- Are my nail systems porous or not?
- Can I e-file the natural nail underneath an enhancement?
- Can you mix liquid from one system with powder from another?
- Dip powder enhancements?
- Do acrylics have a limited future?
- Does a universal monomer exist?
- How flammable is gel polish?
- How much product to remove during rebalance?
- Is L&P more dangerous than gel?
- Is there such a thing as a Universal acrylic nail powder that works with any monomer liquid?
- Nail Oil and Lifting
- Pinching enhancements?
- Some brands chip quicker than others, is this a product or body chemistry issue?
- Tea tree oil, does it absorb through the nail?
- To infill or to soak off?
- To pinch the nail enhancement or not?
- Understanding the difference between slip solution and cleanser for polygel nails
- What do I do with my leftover monomer?
- What is the difference between a French manicure and pink and white?
- What is the difference between Fiber Base and Normal Base?
- What size brush to use?
- Why do nails feel thin after the removal of a nail coating?
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- A chemical burn?
- Autoclave use
- Can I get a headache from working with nail products?
- Can I sanitize and disinfect toe separators?
- Can I use my oven to sterilise my tools?
- Can I use superglue instead of resin for fiberglass nail extensions or does that not work the same?
- Can I work on diabetic clients?
- Can you explain the downside risks of filing the side walls of the nail plate?
- Can you mix Hema and Hema-Free products?
- Can you sanitize metal tools in isopropyl alcohol?
- Disinfectant solutions and ultrasonic devices
- Do I need qualifications to do nails?
- Do UV sanitation devices work?
- Does cuticle oil truly break down traditional nail glue?
- Does the direction of nail filing matter?
- Enhancements on Nail Biters?
- Fluff vs synthetic brush for dusting
- Hand sanitizer or hand washing?
- I am not clear about how to work on nails with Pterygium.
- Is an E-File safe to use?
- Is Covid or hand sanitising affecting nail services?
- Is Curing Gel Under Opaque Nails a Nail Hazard?
- Is hand washing causing nail product lifting?
- Is sanitizing good enough?
- Is the material of the latex gloves such that it causes hand sensitivity?
- My client has chipping/loss of enhancement and I’ve never had this before?
- Nail salon face masks
- Pregnant and considering nail tech school. Any extra concerns besides ventilation and hygiene, or should I postpone for now?
- Should a mask be worn throughout the whole service?
- Should I disinfect all nail brushes?
- Should I use a ‘protein bonder’ to prevent lifting?
- Should you pour the end of an old bottle into the new?
- Some nail products claim to help the nail plate grow stronger. Is this a valid claim?
- Some of my clients are getting heat spikes when curing the base and top coat.
- UV light cabinets for nails files?
- Wearing sunscreen, can this lead to service breakdown?
- What are the legal requirements for the treatment of minors?
- What happens when acetone Is mixed with oils?
- What is a Brazilian style manicure?
- What is a combi manicure?
- What is a Russian manicure?
- What is the difference between cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation?
- What is the difference between HEMA and di-HEMA?
- When do nail polishes expire?
- Where can I find safe ingredient levels for gel and builder gel?
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- Acrylates in gel-like nail polishes?
- Can acetone cause blisters?
- Can I get a headache from working with nail products?
- Can my client be allergic to acetone?
- Do I have an allergy or an irritation?
- Gluten-free nail products?
- How did I get an allergy to gel?
- How do I explain becoming allergic to my client who "knows better"?
- Is acetone safe for removing nail products?
- Is BPMMA Safe for Press-On Nails?
- Is it safe to apply a coating over Onycholysis?
- Is rubber base gel more prone to fungus and infections than your normal gel?
- Is there such a thing as a safe gel manicure?
- Press on nails, allergic reaction healed, can I try gel again?
- Tea tree oil, does it absorb through the nail?
- Wearing sunscreen, can this lead to service breakdown?
- What causes the skin reaction after the nail product is removed?
- What UV gel brands do you recommend?
- Why are we seeing more reactions from gel polish services vs gel enhancement services?
- Show all articles ( 4 ) Collapse Articles
- Are gel nail extensions better than acrylic?
- Are hard gels for everyone?
- Are my nail systems porous or not?
- Are press on nails a safe alternative if you have an allergic reaction to gel?
- Are UV gels better for nails?
- Can acrylic be used under full coverage tips?
- Can I e-file the natural nail underneath an enhancement?
- Can you mix Hema and Hema-Free products?
- Do gel nails ruin your nails?
- Do pigments in gel polish alone explain why nail professionals apply it thinly compared to builder gel?
- Does freeze curing interrupt the curing process?
- Does using UV gel with full cover clear tips cure properly?
- Gel on toes?
- How can I find a non-toxic UV gel polish range?
- How flammable is gel polish?
- How much product to remove during rebalance?
- If I use an LED nail lamp on a product designed for traditional UV nail lamps, will the UV gel become over cured?
- Inhibition layer and no-cleanse gels
- Is a UV gel manicure safe for someone with previous skin health issues?
- Is Curing Gel Under Opaque Nails a Nail Hazard?
- Is heating up of the UV gel a problem?
- Is it true that LED gel cures from the bottom up?
- Is L&P more dangerous than gel?
- Is rubber base gel more prone to fungus and infections than your normal gel?
- Is rubber peel base the same as rubber base coat?
- Is there such a thing as a safe gel manicure?
- Mixing Nail Systems
- Nail Oil and Lifting
- Practicing on myself and easy removal?
- Press on nails, allergic reaction healed, can I try gel again?
- Removing undercured gel
- Should I buy my nail lamp based on wattage?
- Should I get gel or dip nails?
- Should my clients wash their hands before I apply oil?
- Should UV Gels "Burn Like Crazy"?
- Should we remove the rubber base from the nail plate?
- Some brands chip quicker than others, is this a product or body chemistry issue?
- Sometimes free edges are more clear after soak off?
- To infill or to soak off?
- To pinch the nail enhancement or not?
- Understanding the difference between slip solution and cleanser for polygel nails
- Using cuticle oil during soak-off?
- UV GEL mixed with Acrylics - cure queries
- UV gel polish thinner
- What causes the skin reaction after the nail product is removed?
- What does 'overcured' really mean?
- What is the correct method for applying a 'BIAB' type product?
- What is the difference between a French manicure and pink and white?
- What is the difference between Fiber Base and Normal Base?
- What is the difference between HEMA and di-HEMA?
- What kind of products are wrap resins and no light gels?
- What UV gel brands do you recommend?
- Where can I find safe ingredient levels for gel and builder gel?
- Why are we seeing more reactions from gel polish services vs gel enhancement services?
- Why do nails feel thin after the removal of a nail coating?
- Why do some UV gel colors fade?
- Why do you advise wiping a no wipe to coat?
- Will an LED table lamp affect LED-cured gels?
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- A greenie! Why? What do I do?
- Can acetone soak change the structure of your nails
- Do Nails Need to Breathe?
- Does a manicure cause median nail dystrophy (solenonychia)?
- Does active arthritis in knuckles affect the nail plate in regards to lifting?
- How do I avoid ‘greenies’?
- How do I clear up nail bed hyperkeratosis?
- How do I treat ‘green nail syndrome’?
- How does cold weather affect the nails?
- I am not clear about how to work on nails with Pterygium.
- I'm pretty sure my UV gel manicure client has WSO
- Is it safe to apply a coating over Onycholysis?
- Is the material of the latex gloves such that it causes hand sensitivity?
- Leukonychia or not?
- Lichen Planus. What do I do?
- Tea tree oil, does it absorb through the nail?
- The onychomycosis (fungal nail) test is positive... Now what?
- Treating Fungal Nails
- What are these thin black lines under the nail?
- What is Onycholsyis?
- What to do with unhealthy nails?
- White Patches on Nails after Sticker Removal
- Why are there ridges in my nails?
- Why is silk or fibreglass good on thinner / damaged and weaker nails?
- Why should we NOT cover "greenies"?
- Show all articles ( 10 ) Collapse Articles
- Applying nail enhancements to children?
- How do I save a cut nail?
- How do I work on a client with type 2 diabetes?
- I am self-employed and have a home salon. Do I need to do a risk assessment?
- Is a UV gel manicure safe for someone with previous skin health issues?
- Pregnant and considering nail tech school. Any extra concerns besides ventilation and hygiene, or should I postpone for now?
- The doctor says "go ahead". Should I?
- What are the legal requirements for the treatment of minors?
- Can acetone soak change the structure of your nails
- Can I cut the keratinised proximal nail fold?
- Client will not let anyone buff her nail ridges?
- Do all nail plates grow 1mm a week?
- Hyponychium growth
- What are the seals of the nail unit?
- What does the nail matrix do?
- What is the difference between the nail bed and the nail plate?
- What is the nail matrix also known as?
- Where does nail plate oil come from if the nail bed lacks glands?
- Where is the cuticle?
- Why do my clients cuticles grow thicker during the winter?
- Can I use superglue instead of resin for fiberglass nail extensions or does that not work the same?
- Do you know if soaking fingernails in warm avocado oil can stain your nails yellow?
- Does a gel that contains only Benzyl Methacrylate and Ethylene Glycol Dimethacrylate qualify as hypoallergenic?
- I am confused by the term hybrid polish or hybrid gel polish.
- Is BPMMA Safe for Press-On Nails?
- Client will not let anyone buff her nail ridges?
- Do Nails Need to Breathe?
- Does the nail plate absorb any chemicals found in the products we use?
- Enhancements on Nail Biters?
- How did I get an allergy to gel?
- How flammable is gel polish?
- Should UV Gels "Burn Like Crazy"?
- Tea tree oil, does it absorb through the nail?
Proper Nail Salon Hygiene

Proper nail salon hygiene is very important for the safety of both the nail professional and the client. There are different steps and levels in the decontamination process.
The main levels are:
Cleaning / Sanitizing
Let’s take a closer look at each one of them.
Cleaning / Sanitizing
This level of decontamination involves the use of liquid soap and water. Hard surfaces, tools, and hands and feet should be washed diligently before any service. Both the nail pro and the client need to use an alcohol-based skin sanitizer on their hands and feet at the beginning of each service.
Hand sanitizers/cleansers should not take the place of liquid soap and water. However, they are useful after washing, and during service or treatment. They usually use alcohol in a gel. The gel, which evaporates slowly, allows the alcohol to be in contact with the skin for longer. They will not remove debris or dust. Be careful to use a reputable brand. Many manufacturers have been stopped and may be fined for producing substandard products that do not do the job that they claim!
Using soap and water is also an ESSENTIAL step before the next levels of decontamination can be efficiently carried out! Every tool must be washed with liquid soap and water, using a brush to clean away all debris and oils which will hamper the decontamination process.
For hard surfaces, a general-purpose disinfectant is sufficient. The manufacturer’s instructions must be always followed. General-purpose disinfectants will destroy a large number of pathogens. Perfectly adequate for the job. Avoiding the skin is essential when diluting them but they are far less irritating when diluted. Again, choose the right one for the job. For example, use one for hard surfaces but look for a different one (probably stronger) suitable for items such as pedicure bowls. This is still not suitable for skin contact but can be used to clean desks, floors, light switches, door handles, etc. This will not adequately clean metal tools.
For tools, a hospital-grade or high-grade disinfectant is needed. These often claim to destroy 99.9% of all pathogens. This claim needs to be certified. In the UK, the standard uses a series of numbers with the prefix ‘EN’. This falls under the REACH regulations and COSHH regulations.
Each product should be very specific with the pathogens it will destroy and, for this level as an alternative to sterilization, the more the better. It should also be suitable for what is being disinfected i.e., metal tools. Chlorides, for example, can corrode metal.
What is most important is following the manufacturer’s instructions with regards to dilution, length of time for submersion, and how long the solution will last e.g., 1 day, 1 week, etc. The method will be ineffective if these are not followed exactly. It should have clear instructions on how to use it and it will be strong enough to be harmful to the skin. For nail services with no autoclave, this level is non-negotiable. It must be part of any hygiene routine for metal tools. If the instructions are followed to the letter, it will be good enough for any minor contact with bodily fluids. A simple disinfectant will not do this job effectively.
Ideally, everything except metal tools should be single use only and discarded. But a tool spray can be useful, certainly as a quick clean while working with the same client. There are some files that are washable. If there is no possibility of any contact with the skin, these can be scrubbed under running water to remove any debris. Then sprayed (or submerged) and allowed to dry.
This is the highest level of decontamination and is achieved with the use of an autoclave.
Autoclaves are very similar to domestic pressure cookers but designed for the job. Therefore, they are more efficient. They use the steam from water heated under pressure, that boils at a much higher temperature, usually 160C or above. This is enough to kill ALL pathogens including spores. It is the destruction of spores that makes a big difference.
Clean tools are placed in the autoclave and the manufacturer’s instructions are followed. The cycle can be relatively short, around 15-20 mins. However, it is important that they are tested on a very regular basis. This can be weekly or monthly using a spore test. Without this regular testing, they can become ineffective. They are also quite expensive and probably only larger salons can afford the investment. The hospital-grade disinfectant is a suitable alternative for nail services.
Another option is dry heat sterilizers. These can be effective and usually less expensive than autoclaves. They can reach a suitable temperature but take a lot longer, often more than 90mins, so can be costly on electricity. Cheaper versions may not be efficient and would be a second choice to autoclaves.
What is NOT acceptable under any circumstances:
- UV cabinets:
These are very often called ‘sterilizers’ but this is not accurate! What they do is create a sterile environment where ‘clean’ tools can be safely stored before use. They DO NOT sterilize tools, not even clean them. There is a method of sterilization that uses UV energy, but this is UV-C at specific wavelengths, and that needs specialized training. Skin and eyes cannot be exposed to it. It is a marketing description that is very misleading. - Glass bead sterilizers:
These have been proven to be ineffective for metal tools. The beads do reach a very high temperature but need to be in direct contact with the surface of the tool to work. Due to the shape only a tiny part of each bead is in direct contact and less so for the hinges of scissors, nippers, etc. - Baby Bottle Sterilizers:
These do not sterilize, not even provide a high-level disinfectant. If you think about it a baby bottle taken from this solution is not rinsed out so traces of the disinfectant must be safe enough for a baby to ingest! - Wet wipes:
Some of these can be effective for some tools for cleaning and low-level disinfecting. But it is impossible to come close to sterilizing as this can only be done with harsh chemicals or extreme heat.